aboutme // expanded ver.

Hello to all the residents of mother nature. 

This is me, Munise. And I will be not only announcing but also trying to answer your questions about who's this Munise ((hımmm interesting) you think so).

Munise, aka Muni, Mini, Miniso and for the starters Could you repeat again?, is currently 19 years old human being born to human mother and human father and another fun fact is that she's living in the human world. (also surrounded by humans when she gets on the metrobus aka walking hell)

She was born on 19 August 1999 (so much 9 yes I know) in Istanbul in the middle of chaos actually. Since that was only 2 days after the Big Marmara Earthquake and people were in fear that there might be another one coming. (it shows how luck I am right?)

Back to the subject, which means me, I've spent 19 years on earth and collected lots of memories such as fainting in the metro, nearly drowning in the sea, fainting in the hospital and more. (my life consists lots of fainting ya know?)

But fortunately, in this hectic tempo, I've met with lots of uber-cool people!! 
One of them was my teacher and to be honest, she was my mentor in 12th grade (the senior year which I'd taken university exam) and thanks to her I'm now a student of Marmara University. (applause effects) After studying for 1 year to get in the university I want, one day she said to me one  sentence which changed my life. ''Munise, you would be a great teacher.'' 

Here I am, studying at the Department of ELT (English Language Teaching) to be a great teacher like my teacher, mentor, sister... So special thanks to her who guided me all the time, and to my mother who gave birth to me and to my father who gave money (also one of my favorite person) to me. 

Thank you if you'd patience enough to read this biographish (can't exactly name this a biography) thing to the end. I'm hoping that my posts will be much more meaningful than this. (can't promise) 

Thank you and take care!